Category Archives: grants

Sport England’s approach to Small Grants has changed

Sport England has relaxing a few rules about what they can’t fund, and are trying to make it as simple as possible to apply to their Small Grants programme.

The focus of your application should be what difference your project will make, not what you purchase to make it happen.

They also want to know how many new participants will be involved.

One of the main differences made to this fund, is that it will no longer matter if your project takes more than 12 months to deliver and you can spread your funding over three years, if required. They are also happy to contribute funding to bigger projects.

You can request grants up to £10K for revenue related expenditure and new / additional movable equipment. Sport England may make slightly larger awards in exception circumstance only.

Sport England will also be doing more to support organisations which are able to support inactive people become active

Sport England New Funding Dates

Sport England Funding Update

Here are Sport England’s new investment funds and the key dates you need to know


What: In December 2016, SE will announce full details of a £3 million volunteering fund to diversify the range of people who volunteer.

When: The fund will open in the New Year with awards being made in the spring.


Local delivery

What: In December 2016, invite expressions of interest to become one of 10 places that will receive funding to develop and implement local strategies for physical activity and sport.

When: SE will hold a number of working sessions in January and February 2017 to help interested partners develop their ideas, with the first three or four pilots identified by March.

Astros lit up

Tackling inactivity

What: An investment guide on inactivity will be published in December 2016.

The first phase of the Inactivity Fund will open in December, which will focus on projects that help older adults (55+) to get active, with up to £10 million of National Lottery funding available.

When: Expressions of interest will be required by 13 February 2017, with the first set of awards planned for June 2017.


What: First phase of the new Community Asset Fund launched in December 2016, with £7.5 million available.

SE will also publish a wider facilities investment guide.

When: January 2017.

Supporting sport’s core market – major events

What: SE will launch a £2 million fund to help engage a much broader range of people in and around major sporting events.

When: December 2016.

4Grants are here to help your club obtain funding, we can:

Advising you on sports, play and physical activity funding

Supporting your club to write successful funding bids

Supporting groups to write Business Plan, Sports Development Plans

Key Tips to Writing a Comprehensive Funding Bid

Key Tips to Writing a Comprehensive Funding Bid

This can be very time consuming and confusing, 4Grants can do the work for you.  If you do decide to apply by yourself we have listed a few tips below:

  • Clearly demonstrate you meet all of the criteria – only apply if you are eligible
  • Clearly detail the outcomes of your project
  • Demonstrate that the project is additional to a statutory service
  • Ensure you thoroughly evidence the need for the project
  • Ensure your business plan is thorough and covers all aspects of the project, demonstrating that it’s a well planned and managed project
  • In current times, even if you meet the criteria there will be too many bids for the amount of money that a funder can distribute, if a funder has priorities make sure you detail how you meet these in your bid
  • Demonstrate your belief and enthusiasm for the project
  • Make sure that the group writes the bid so that they have ownership of it
  • Have the application form signed by the correct people
  • Ensure that those group members that you put down as contact people are fully knowledable about the bid
  • Ensure the application is sent before the deadline
  • Include all the documents that are required
  • Apply for the amount of funding as detailed in the bid
  • Make sure your accounts are not filed late and are up to date
  • Make sure that you fully complete the form, if the funder asks for the finance information to be written in the bid, don’t ask them to see your attached budget sheet
  • Clearly demonstrate how the money will be spent within the given time constraints of the funder
  • Spend time producing an accurate budget sheet that clearly details all financial aspect of the bid
  • If your projects overall cost is more than the amount being applied for, detail where this money is coming from
  • Make sure you are not applying for anything retrospectively

Phew your done!  Once you have done all of the above your application could still be unsuccessful, we are here to help and assist you along the way.

4Grants provides a no win, no fee service that is used by organisations across the UK, you only pay us if we are successful in obtaining the grant.  Recently one of our clients said “if someone came to you and offered you £10,000 if you gave them £1,000 would you do it?”  It’s a no brainer for most organisations……

Contact us today at

Grants for Sports Clubs

Ambitious sport clubs across the country are looking to upgrade their facilities and equipment.  Yet funding the improvements is often the biggest challenge. This need not be the case as, increasingly, there are funds available that all organisations can access.

4Grants work with organisations and clubs across the UK, we have the knowledge and experience of funding available for your club.   Our service is unique in that we offer a no win no fee solution, you only pay us if we are successful in getting your club grant funding.  The majority of the clubs we work with use their own funds (From fundraising) to pay our fees and we get this back (often 10 times the amount) in grant funding.  We advise all our clients never to use any of the grants obtained to pay our fees.


We focus our efforts on community and grassroots clubs, not only with the improvement of facilities, but with the purchase of the right equipment to enable the club to grow and develop. 4Grants works across the sporting sector, we are aware of many funds that are not specifically aimed at sport, which your club could be missing out on.

Traditionally, clubs have used a range of methods to raise funds. These have included fundraisers such as:  Dinners, tournaments, parties, social evenings, 6 a sides and sponsorship.

Change and development is never easy, most clubs are run by volunteers that simply don’t have the time, capacity and knowledge to apply for funding.  There is help out there to make sure your club doesn’t get left behind.

If you are looking to upgrade or enhance your club’s facilities and are unsure of the funding streams or opportunities available, contact a member of 4Grants who are always there to help.

Environmental Trust Grants – 3rd Party Questions Answered

Third Party Funding Requirements
As part of the monies voluntarily passed by FCC Environment, the Government only allows FCC Environment a 90% credit against this amount.

In order to mitigate the losses incurred by participating in the Scheme FCC Environment (as a condition of providing Landfill funders with the funding)requires project applicants to secure the help of eligible ‘Third Parties’ who will reimburse them with an amount equal to 10% of the cost of the funding committed. In addition to the level of the grant this also takes into account the automatic levy charged by the Funds’s regulator ENTRUST together with a proportion of the costs associated with administering the grant.

Who can be a Third Party Funder?
The key consideration regarding Third Party Funding is the term ‘Unique Benefit’. Simply, a contributing third party cannot gain any unique benefit from the project put forward for funding. Examples of organisations which can be contributing third parties are:

  • Private Companies
  • Public sector organisations- Local Authorities, County Councils
  • Charities
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Private Donors
  • A person who shares the benefits with others. For example, a member of club or a person who uses with others a clubs facilities.

As part of a Landfill Bid funders will want you to demonstrate the impact on the environment your new facility or refurbishment will have on the environment.

Is Grant Funding a vital part of your organisation?

It involves getting the resources – money,  equipment, premises etc. – that your organisation needs to carry out its work.
Fundraising should be an organised, planned activity. There are a number of steps to  successful grant funding:

Step 1: Appoint a fundraiser or fundraising group
Step 2: Make sure you’re ready to be funded
Step 3: Decide what you need funds for
Step 4: Make a budget
Step 5: Locate funders
Step 6: Make applications
Step 7: Follow up

The time between when you decide you need funds, to when you actually receive them is
likely to be about six months. It is important, therefore, that you start your fundraising well in
advance .

Stage 1: Appoint a fundraiser or fundraising group
It is essential that a person, or group of people, see fundraising as their responsibility.
Fundraising requires time and effort to be successful, so a person or team should commit
themselves to it. The most successful funding application will have involved a range of people
from within the organisation. This is because a successful fundraising application involves
communicating the vision of your organisation to a funder. That vision is, or should be, a
collective vision. This person or group should oversee all the following steps.

Stage 2: Make sure you’re ready to be funded
All funders require, as a minimum, that:
• You are a non-profit organisation with charitable or benevolent aims;
• You have a set of rules or constitution, stating your aims and how you operate;
• You have a bank account and keep financial records.

This is one of the ways of ensuring that their money will be properly managed and spent.
Certain things you might want to fund – a worker, a building, or a vehicle for example – give
you legal obligations. A funder will require evidence that you understand these obligations,
and that you have taken steps to comply with them.

Stage 3: Research and plan your project
Decide whether you want to cover your organisation’s general running costs, or have a
particular project, with costs of its own. Make a list of ALL the items that you could need to
pay for, for your organisation or project.

Divide the list into two categories – capital and revenue. Capital means items of equipment
that you usually pay a fixed one-off amount for –buildings, computers, vehicles, for example.
Revenue is on-going costs like wages, expenses, bills, core funding, etc..

Decide when you need the money for, and how long it has to last. For a project, there will
usually be a start and finish date, or at least an idea of how long it will last. If you are looking
for general running costs, you should include all your expenditure for one year, or two or three
years. It is up to you how far ahead you can accurately plan, but one year is a usual

Stage 4: Make a budget
Budgeting is simply putting amounts to all the things you’ll need to spend money on. Budgets
should not be guesswork – get as near as you can to the actual amounts you will have to pay.
For example, get quotes for building work, get exact prices for equipment, ask how much rent
people pay for similar offices to yours, find out how much people get paid for the kind of posts
you want to fund. Don’t forget to include in your budget realistic amounts for contingencies
and reserves.

Funders will know if your budget is not accurate – your figures will be too rounded, or
unrealistic. A properly worked out budget is one of the most important elements of
successful fundraising.

Stage 5: Locate funders
Once you have made a budget you can start to look for funders.

Stage 6: Make applications
After finding appropriate funders, the next stage is to make a good application.

Stage 7: Follow up
You should think of fundraising as a long-term, ongoing process, not a one-off. How you treat
your funders is therefore important. You might want to go back to funders in future, or may
need to show new funders that you have a good track record of managing funds.

So once you have succeeded in getting your funds, there are 2 important steps to take:
• Say thank you! Many beneficiaries simply accept the money without acknowledging it.
Funders are human beings too, and will respond well to gratitude for the help they
have given. A phone call may suffice, a letter will be much appreciated, or you could
invite them to come along and see the project they have funded in progress.
• Make sure that you do all that the funder requests in terms of monitoring your work,
reporting and accounting. You may need to fill in a form or forms to show how you
have spent the money, or how the project or organisation is progressing.

If there is no particular information to provide, it is a good idea to send a report to your
funders. This could be not just facts and figures but also photographs of your work, to show
how the money is being used, and to bring your work to life. This will build a stronger
relationship with funders, which could lead to more support in future.

Gillette celebrates the announcement of ‘Great Start’ coaching programme for 2013


Gillette has announced its ‘Great Start’ programme which celebrates the role of coaching and supports coaching excellence by offering coaching grants awarded through the scheme. The announcement marks the second year of Gillette’s partnership with sports coach UK sports coach UK is a beneficiary organisation of Gillette’s ‘Great Start’ programme and is not affiliated to the IOC or London 2012, re-affirming the brand’s promise to help support coaching development and invest in sporting legacy beyond London 2012.


The grants are available to both aspiring and amateur coaches who wish to further their qualifications. Applications for grants open from the 9 May 2013 via the brands Facebook page Gillette is also continuing to supporting the UK Coaching Awards hosted by sports coach UK which celebrate the role of coaching in encouraging participation, performance and excellence. As part of the Great Start programme Gillette is offering people the chance to nominate a coach who deserves recognition for their work for the UK Community Coach of the Year Award.


England Rugby League Head Coach Steve McNamara said: “The brilliant thing about the ‘Great Start’ programme is that it recognises the importance of supporting coaching in the UK and the integral role it plays in nurturing the future sporting talent of Great Britain.  Without great coaches there would be no great athletes and it is essential that we continue to invest in coaching to ensure our future champions get the right training and support.”


Gillette brand manager, Jared Regan, commented: “Gillette has a rich heritage in sport and we appreciate the crucial role that both amateur and professional coaches play in the success of sport in the UK. Coaching is the sporting embodiment of a great start and we’re absolutely delighted to be able to sponsor these grants for a second year and give more people the opportunity to feel at their best by giving back to their community through coaching.”


sports coach UK CEO Dr Tony Byrne said: “Gillette understands that without the tireless efforts of volunteer coaches and educators, the next generation would not be inspired to pursue careers in sport and new talent would remain undiscovered.  We also know that the cost of gaining a qualification is seen as a major barrier by many aspiring coaches, so we’re delighted that Gillette’s Great Start programme will enable more people to develop their skills”.

Does your club/charity claim Gift Aid?

From 22 April 2013, charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) can sign up to make repayment claims electronically.


The new service, Charities Online, is being introduced in response to customer feedback. It will make repayment claims faster and easier by filing online. The current R68(i) print and post repayment form will be replaced by three options for making claims.

These guides tell you what Charities Online means for your organisation and how to prepare for it.  Simply visit:


About Trustfunding


Charitable trusts are bodies set up to do good. Money – capital – is invested and the income is spent each year. Trustees are responsible for the money and for how it is given away.

Charitable trusts in Britain give away something like £750m a year. They get tax concessions on their money because they are “charitable” – the Inland Revenue has to be satisfied that they use their income for purposes that are charitable in law. In practice this means that most trusts will only give grants to registered charities.

On average, charitable trusts give something to one in twenty or so of the appeals they receive. Many trusts are limited as to the geographic area they can make grants to. Usually trusts give smallish amounts (even trusts with large incomes) to local appeals – £50 or £200, not thousands. And often giving by trusts is one-off and for capital, not revenue. Trusts may help you buy the sand-pit for the community centre, they’re less likely to help you heat it or pay the salary of a worker.

There are exceptions. A few trusts are more interested in funding running costs or salaries of projects.

Trusts don’t have to publicise what they do, what sort of things they give money for, how you apply – or even that they exist at all. Some are very open about what they do, some aren’t.

Many trusts meet only once or twice a year. You may need to get applications in well in advance of meetings.

Most trusts don’t have application forms. In these cases you need to write a letter. Make sure it looks as if you’ve written to them personally; if your letter looks like a circular you stand less chance of success.

It’s worth spending time making sure you’ve got information on the trusts you intend to approach which is as accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive as possible. It’s a waste of your energy and effort writing the wrong letter to the wrong funders and trusts are understandably frustrated when they receive applications from projects which fall outside their remit.

For help on applying to charitable trusts please speak to us today.