Category Archives: charity

Sport England’s approach to Small Grants has changed

Sport England has relaxing a few rules about what they can’t fund, and are trying to make it as simple as possible to apply to their Small Grants programme.

The focus of your application should be what difference your project will make, not what you purchase to make it happen.

They also want to know how many new participants will be involved.

One of the main differences made to this fund, is that it will no longer matter if your project takes more than 12 months to deliver and you can spread your funding over three years, if required. They are also happy to contribute funding to bigger projects.

You can request grants up to £10K for revenue related expenditure and new / additional movable equipment. Sport England may make slightly larger awards in exception circumstance only.

Sport England will also be doing more to support organisations which are able to support inactive people become active

Environmental Trust Grants – 3rd Party Questions Answered

Third Party Funding Requirements
As part of the monies voluntarily passed by FCC Environment, the Government only allows FCC Environment a 90% credit against this amount.

In order to mitigate the losses incurred by participating in the Scheme FCC Environment (as a condition of providing Landfill funders with the funding)requires project applicants to secure the help of eligible ‘Third Parties’ who will reimburse them with an amount equal to 10% of the cost of the funding committed. In addition to the level of the grant this also takes into account the automatic levy charged by the Funds’s regulator ENTRUST together with a proportion of the costs associated with administering the grant.

Who can be a Third Party Funder?
The key consideration regarding Third Party Funding is the term ‘Unique Benefit’. Simply, a contributing third party cannot gain any unique benefit from the project put forward for funding. Examples of organisations which can be contributing third parties are:

  • Private Companies
  • Public sector organisations- Local Authorities, County Councils
  • Charities
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Private Donors
  • A person who shares the benefits with others. For example, a member of club or a person who uses with others a clubs facilities.

As part of a Landfill Bid funders will want you to demonstrate the impact on the environment your new facility or refurbishment will have on the environment.

Does your club/charity claim Gift Aid?

From 22 April 2013, charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) can sign up to make repayment claims electronically.


The new service, Charities Online, is being introduced in response to customer feedback. It will make repayment claims faster and easier by filing online. The current R68(i) print and post repayment form will be replaced by three options for making claims.

These guides tell you what Charities Online means for your organisation and how to prepare for it.  Simply visit:


About Trustfunding


Charitable trusts are bodies set up to do good. Money – capital – is invested and the income is spent each year. Trustees are responsible for the money and for how it is given away.

Charitable trusts in Britain give away something like £750m a year. They get tax concessions on their money because they are “charitable” – the Inland Revenue has to be satisfied that they use their income for purposes that are charitable in law. In practice this means that most trusts will only give grants to registered charities.

On average, charitable trusts give something to one in twenty or so of the appeals they receive. Many trusts are limited as to the geographic area they can make grants to. Usually trusts give smallish amounts (even trusts with large incomes) to local appeals – £50 or £200, not thousands. And often giving by trusts is one-off and for capital, not revenue. Trusts may help you buy the sand-pit for the community centre, they’re less likely to help you heat it or pay the salary of a worker.

There are exceptions. A few trusts are more interested in funding running costs or salaries of projects.

Trusts don’t have to publicise what they do, what sort of things they give money for, how you apply – or even that they exist at all. Some are very open about what they do, some aren’t.

Many trusts meet only once or twice a year. You may need to get applications in well in advance of meetings.

Most trusts don’t have application forms. In these cases you need to write a letter. Make sure it looks as if you’ve written to them personally; if your letter looks like a circular you stand less chance of success.

It’s worth spending time making sure you’ve got information on the trusts you intend to approach which is as accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive as possible. It’s a waste of your energy and effort writing the wrong letter to the wrong funders and trusts are understandably frustrated when they receive applications from projects which fall outside their remit.

For help on applying to charitable trusts please speak to us today.

Grant Funding Organisation Checklist

To ensure your group is ready to apply for funding, 4Grants have produced a checklist which you may find useful.


About your group

  •     Does your group have a constitution or set of rules?
  •     Does your group have a Management Committee?
  •     Does your Management Committee have a Chair?
  •     Does your Management Committee have a Treasurer?
  •     Does your Management Committee have a Secretary?
  •     Does your group have a bank or building society account,in its own name?
  •     Does the bank account have at least 3 signatories?
  •     Does your group have a clear understanding of its aims and objectives?
  •     Is your group clear about the services it provides?

What kind of Group are you? What legal structure does your group have?

  •     Unincorporated association (group, club, or society)?
  •     Registered Charity?
  •     Company Limited by Guarantee?
  •     CIC?
  •     CIO?
  •     Are you branch of a national organisation without your own constitution?

About your groups policies and procedures:

  •     Do you keep minutes of all committee meetings?
  •     Do you have systems in place to record income and expenditure?
  •     Do you have relevant policies e.g. : Health and safety? Equal opportunities?
  •     If you have employees, do you have Employment Policies?
  •     Does your group have insurance to cover its legal responsibilities?

About your group’s funding:

  •     Do you have a fundraising plan?
  •     Do you have a fundraising group?
  •     Does your group have an independent referee?
  •     Does your group identify a named person to act as a point of contact for bids?

Many grants are complicated and time consuming, 4Grants can take away the hassle and apply our knowledge and experience to your funding bids.  Contact us today for further information.